Sunday, August 29, 2010

Moms are the Best

Logan loves to ride her bike.  Last weekend she asked me to take her out on one of our long rides, but to be honest I was not feeling too well, so I kept saying tomorrow.  By Monday the weather was too hot (well over a 100) with no relief in site, so on Tuesday morning I woke her up at 6:00 to go on a morning ride.  We had a great time. We talked about the fresh air, the clear lake, and even solved some of the worlds problems.  About half way through out ride Logan called back to me that her shoelaces has become stuck in her pedal and as a consequence she had toppled over.  I stopped, as any caring father would, picked her up, brushed the dust off, untangled her shoe lace, retied it, and got her back on her bike.  She then looked directly at me and said, "Thanks Mom."  She immediately realized her mistake and said, "sorry Dad, but since you are always at work, Mom does all this kind of stuff." Moms are the best!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's the People, Not the Place

I have been excited about going to the Philippines all year.  I love it there.  I love the heat (most of the time), the beaches, the palm trees, everything.  When I was called there on my mission I bought a book describing Philippines as a "Tropical Paradise" and that is exactly what it is. I was not disappointed one bit with the trip.  The tropical fruit was amazing, the ocean warm, the sand soft; all the things I remembered from my time there before had not changed.  On the first day, however, I realized all those things are not what I love about the Philippines. It's the people.  I have to admit, and not just because of Mia, that a part of me will always reside in the Philippines.  The people are happy.  They don't have much in the way of worldly things, but they are truly happy.  When Mia and I were waiting for the van to pick us up to take us to the airport to come home I ran back into her Mom's house to do one more check to make sure we had everything.  As I looked around her Mom's house I was over come with emotion.  I looked as if to memorize the moment. I love the Philippines, but most of all, I love the people.  I realize that some of you who see this will not know most of the people in the video, but look at the happiness in their faces.  It's a TRUE happiness and it's contagious.